At the University of Giessen, I wish to facilitate work on the nexus between political and artistic practices and academic analysis, and am interested in mentoring projects concerning cultural approaches to law/Law and Literature, the politics of form, critical media studies, American Studies, and feminism and sexuality studies. As a general editor of EJES, I wish to encourage proposals for special issues that span divides between cultural theory, literary analysis, and linguistics and reflect on the study of English within Europe. With Jeanne Gaakeer, I run the European Network for Law and Literature Research.


Recent Publications

  • Olson, Greta (2023). “Metaphor“ / “Metaphoric Fictionality in Poems about Migration and in Anti-Immigration Discourse.” Fictionality and Literature: Core Concepts Revisited. Eds. Lasse Raaby Gammelgaard, Stefan Iversen, Louise Brix Jacobsen, James Phelan, Richard Walsh, Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen, and Simona Zetterberg-Nielsen. Ohio State UP. 182-211.


Recent Talks

  • Invited Lecture: “Legal Feelings and Mediated Expressions of Law: Greta Olson’s From Law and Literature to Legality and Affect (Oxford UP, 2022)” at the Centre d’études et de recherches de sciences administratives et politiques (CERSA), (9 June 2023), Paris

  • Lecture: “Legal Feelings and Mediated Expressions of Law“ in the WLS Research Seminar by the School Of Law (18 January 2023), University of Warwick



Professor Greta Olson
Institut für Anglistik
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Otto-Behagel-Straße 10 B
35394 Giessen, Germany
Tel: +49 641 – 99 30091 or – 99 3031 (Stefanie Rück, MA)
Fax: +49 641 – 99 30099


Office hours during the semester: Please register online through Stud.IP.


The photograph above was taken by Salar Baygan for a project on celebrating white hair initiated by Andrea Leicher, Oliver Metzler, and Nicolai Tilov.